
'It was pure luck I found the lump'

Sue Murby was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2015. She was aged 48, two years younger than the age mammograms are normally offered. Sue found a lump on her right breast by chance as she didn’t check her breasts regularly, due to no family history of breast cancer.  

Sue took part in Prevent Breast Cancer’s BreastFest 2019. The campaign was the brainchild of Prevent Breast Cancer Patron, Margo Cornish, and saw 100 women, affectionately known as BooBees, who had been affected by breast cancer join together to spread awareness and fundraise for a future without breast cancer. 


We are delighted that Sue has once again signed up as a BooBee Ambassador as part of our newest, vitally important drive – BooBee’s Big Campaign. All our BooBees are raring to go and would love for you to join them for their flagship fundraising event – BooBee presents Bingo Bedlam – a high-octane evening of emotion, inspiration and FUN at Manchester Central on November 19th. 


Sue is keen to continue the important work that was started in 2019 and has very kindly shared her breast cancer journey with us and described the impact that Breastfest had on her and why she decided to get involved again this year 


Can you tell us about your diagnosis?

I’d had a couple of small lumps investigated over ten years previously that turned out to be nothing, so I’m ashamed to admit that I never checked my boobs – especially as there was no family history at all.

One night I just couldn’t get to sleep and crossed my arms in frustration - and that’s when I felt a lump on the outside of my right breast; had it been anywhere else I wouldn’t have felt it and that’s a sobering thought!

An appointment with my GP confirmed that it was worth an urgent referral. Before I knew it, I was having an ultrasound scan and being told that they were very sorry, but it looked likely to be cancerous. As I returned to the clinic waiting room, I tried to read my book but kept staring at the same line thinking about my teenage daughter and what effect this would have on her. My mind wandered further, and I remember thinking – hang on, I’ve found this early and there is an effective treatment, so let’s get on with it. I vowed to stay positive as I believe that the person you are isn’t defined by what happens to you, but how you react to it!

What kind of treatment did you have?

I had almost a year of treatment. First was a lumpectomy but the cancer had spread to the sentinel node – so not such an early detection after all! That probably hit me harder than the original diagnosis and I needed a second operation to remove all my lymph nodes; but thankfully no others were affected.

Chemotherapy wasn’t pleasant and was delayed on a couple of occasions due to my adverse reactions; but it was a means to an end. My daughter had the dubious honour of shaving my head as my hair started to fall out – but not until she’d chosen me a stylish wig!!

Radiotherapy followed and I completed treatment just before Christmas 2015 – so a real celebration!

How have you felt since treatment?

I already knew that I had some fantastic family and friends, and I certainly couldn’t have got through it without them. I was, and am, very humbled by all their love and support. 

I was keen to get back to normal – which I have done, save for a few annoying side effects and daily hormone treatment medication. But I can’t get past the fact that it was pure luck that I found the lump and am so grateful that there was an effective treatment available. 


What made you want to be part of this year's campaign?

Being part of the BooBee campaign in 2019 was an amazing and empowering experience and allowed some great friendships to form; I even surprised myself by agreeing to be part of the sponsored lingerie catwalk!! Time spent on the big pink BooBee bus travelling around Manchester was another important part of the campaign for me as I was able to chat to members of the public. Sharing my experience hopefully helped them to understand how vital it is to check for changes and seek advice early.

The BooBee 2022 campaign is another opportunity to educate and equip women to check themselves and hopefully I can support the newer BooBees too, who I know will have a blast!! 

Thank you to Sue for sharing her story with us.



